Dtc method analysis in application of pressure and flow control in hydraulic system

Problems with controlling the torque of induction motor, considering the use of this drive in order to control the hydraulic drive power unit parameters (with constant displacement pump). In analyzed system, a Direct Torque Control method (DTC) and fuzzy PI type controller were used. Inverter-fed drive system with 2,2 kW ac motor was subjected to laboratory tests.
Analizowano problemy sterowania momentem silnika indukcyjnego, uwzględniając zastosowanie tego napędu do sterowania parametrami hydraulicznej stacji zasilającej z pompą o stałej wydajności geometrycznej. W analizowanym układzie zastosowano bezpośrednią metodę sterowania momentem (Direct Torque
Control) oraz rozmyty regulator typu PI. Badania laboratoryjne dokonano w układzie napędowym z silnikiem o mocy 2,2 kW, zasilanym z falownika napięcia.
Controlling the torque or force of hydraulic system requires using a control element enabling to change working liquid pressure. This element is usually the pressure reducing or overflow valve. Throttling control systems is characterized by low efficiency what limits its range of application to low power applications. Particularly low efficiency is a feature of systems with serial location of throttling element. In all these cases the energy loss occurs, which decreases the exploitation cost of hydraulic system.
There are unique correlations (nearly proportional) between the force of actuator piston rod or the torque of hydraulic motor shaft and the pressure. These relations can be used for the appropriate control of electric motor torque driving the constant displacement pump. (...)

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Źródło: Czasopismo Logistyka

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