The squirrel-cage motor efficiency determination by modified agt method

The modified air gap torque method to determine the efficiency coefficient of squirrelcage induction motor was presented. The results of a continuation of work on the application of the method to estimate the efficiency coefficient also are shown.
The verification of the proposed method on a few selected motors of small power are presented in this article
W artykule została zaprezentowana zmodyfikowana metoda Air Gap Torque (AGT) do wyznaczania współczynnika sprawności silnika indukcyjnego klatkowego. Zaprezentowane również zostały wyniki badań będące kontynuacją prac nad zastosowanie metody AGT do estymacji współczynnika sprawności. W artykule dokonano weryfikacji proponowanej metody na kilku wybranych silnikach małych mocy
Squirrel-cage induction motors are widely used in various industrial applications. These engines usually operate below nominal values because they are oversized in relation to the power-driven machinery and equipment. In many cases, these motors are powered by inverters to change the rotor speed. Under such conditions, the motor efficiency varies as a function of not only the load but olso the supply voltage and frequency. Economic considerations related to the lowering of energy consumption in industrial processes make it expedient to act in the direction of monitoring the engine operating efficiency ratio, and (...)

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Źródło: Czasopismo Logistyka

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