Operational utilization of the internal combustion engines at the motive power units and hybrid traction drives

The utilization of installed power capacity of internal combustion engines in motive power units (especially shunting locomotives and locomotives for industrial transport) is low. The result is that most of the time internal combustion engine works in regimes that are far from optimum mode. It means that specific fuel consumption is high. Some examples of measured operational regimes of locomotives in shunting operation and other motive power units are given in the paper. The improvement can be achieved by using of the unconventional traction drive of rail vehicles. One of possible ways is using of the hybrid traction drive. The hybrid drive includes the ICE and the energy storage device. The parameters of such traction drive must be based on analysis of real operational regimes of vehicles.
Prevádzkové využitie výkonu spaľovacích motorov hnacích koľajových vozidiel (zvlášť posunovacích rušňov a rušňov pre priemyselnú dopravu) je veľmi nízke. Výsledkom tohoto je, že väčšinu času spaľovací motor pracuje ďaleko od optimálneho režimu. To znamená, že jeho merná spotreba je vysoká. Niektoré príklady nameraných prevádzkových režimov v posunovacej prevádzke, ale aj iných hnacích vozidiel sú uvedené v tomto príspevku. (...)

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Źródło: Czasopismo Logistyka

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