Changes and challenges of postal industry

The paper deals with the new structure of postal industry after the deregulation processes and also the new elements in the value chain in postal industry as well as in postal operators. The changes are related with the innovation processes, the new types of technology, the new rules and also with the new requirments of customers. The government has also different interests and needs on the functionning of postal industry. These changes are discussed on the example of Slovak postal industry.
Príspevok pojednáva o novej štruktúre poštového sektora po deregulačných procesoch, ktoré v odvetví prebehli, a tiež o nových prvkoch v hodnotovom reťazci poštového sektoru a jednotlivých poštových operáorov. Zmeny sú spojené s inovačnými procesmi, novými typmi technológií, novými pravidlami a tiež novými požiadavkami zákazníkvo. Štát má tiež zmenené záujmy a potreby vzhľadom na činnosť poštového sektoru. Tieto zmeny sú uvedené na základe príkladu poštového sektora Slovenskej republiky.
Postal services and industry in the world and also in The Slovak Republic have been changed and are under pressure from regulators, competitors, increasing costs, higher customer expectation, technology etc.
The pressure from all sides results to the changes of the postal strategy, the business processes, the information and communication technology systems development and implementation, the people and culture and the organization. In the time of these significant technological, political and market environment changes, it becomes obvious that more attention is given to the management of services, to the analysis industry value chain and supply chain. (...)

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Źródło: Czasopismo Logistyka

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