Organization of the stream of the ships movement in the area of vts

In areas where ships’ traffic is heavy an organization of the stream of their movement is becoming an important issue. Due to the fact that ships go all over the world, this process should be standardized. A standardization of regulations and devices applied in VTS are taken into consideration in the designing process. In the article the author presented essential information for the VTS operator for the correct organization of the stream of the ships traffic.
A participation of ships with dangerous cargo was taken into consideration.
In the final part a futurist look at the traffic organization of ships was described in a global sense.
W rejonach zagęszczenia ruchu statków istotnym problemem staje się organizacja strumienia ich ruchu. Z racji tego iż statki uprawiają żeglugę międzynarodową proces ten powinien być ujednolicony. Rzutuje na to standaryzacja przepisów i stosowanych w VTS urządzeń. W artykule autor przedstawił jakie informacje niezbędna są operatorowi VTS dla prawidłowej organizacji strumienia ruchu statków. Uwzględniono uczestnictwo statków z ładunkami niebezpiecznymi.
W końcowej części przedstawiono futurystyczne spojrzenie na organizację ruchu statków w wymiarze globalnym.
The increased number of vessels employed in sea transport cause the higher risk of the collisions, grounding, beaching. These dangers are most frequently observed in port approaches, narrow passages, areas with large amounts of navigational dangers. Depending on the size of ports we deal with different intensity of ships’ traffic. All these factors cause that sea areas become very sensitive. That is why there is need for special traffic organization to control the safety of the traffic of ships and for service. This is called Vessel
Traffic Service - VTS. Such Service came into existence with the thought about the traffic organization on every basins of world’s sea area, where the probability of the dangerous (...)

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Źródło: Czasopismo Logistyka

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