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Logistic base for wind farm build at sea

In Poland wind electric turbines farm building on the sea is planned. It will be probably located on Lawica Slupska. Clean electric energy producing created lots of problems for marine environment and maritime users. In the paper some of logistics problems created by wind farm during building, exploitation and removal will be focused.
W Polsce planowana jest budowa farmy elektrowni wiatrowych na morzu.
Będzie ona prawdopodobnie zlokalizowana na Ławicy Słupskiej. Produkcja czystej energii elektrycznej stwarza wiele problemów dla środowiska morskiego i użytkowników morza. W referacie zostaną wskazane niektóre z problemów logistycznych stwarzanych przez farmę elektrowni wiatrowych w czasie budowy, eksploatacji i likwidacji.
In March 2007 the European Council backed Commission proposals on energy and climate change, agreeing on an action plan to further develop energy policy by 2009. Key aspects of the agreement include a binding target to reduce EU emissions by 20% by 2020.
For renewable energies a binding target is set to achieve 20% of the EU’s overall energy consumption from renewable sources by 2020.
In this context, the use of energy from renewable resources plays an important role.
Wind energy can contribute considerably to the national and international goals of CO reduction and seems indispensable in this respect due to its potential to avoid substantial amounts of CO emissions every year. As a consequence, the use of wind energy is expanding within the OSPAR Region, including making use of offshore wind energy potential. [1]
Whilst the associated reduction in CO emissions from the use of wind turbines should be welcomed, the identification of suitable locations and the utilisation of suitable (...)

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Źródło: Czasopismo Logistyka

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