Wireless sensor networks : their programming and transport implementations

In the paper the Wireless Sensor Networks their operations frameworks, architecture and topologies are presented. A great attention is paid to programming in these networks. Two levels of programming are distinguished: low level programming of data sensors and distributed high language level programming addressed to dedicated applications. The transport implementations of wireless sensor networks are demonstrated in two areas: the intelligent road implementation and the logistics.
W pracy prezentowane są bezprzewodowe sieci sensorów: ich zasady pracy, architektura i topologie. Duża uwaga poświęcona jest programowaniu w tych sieciach. Wyróżniane są dwa poziomy programowania: niski poziom programowania danych sensorów i rozproszony poziom w językach wysokiego poziomu adresowany do dedykowanych aplikacji. Zastosowania w transporcie bezprzewodowych sieci sensorów pokazane są w dwu obszarach: inteligentnych zastosowań drogowych i logistyce.
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) grown up on the base of general purposes wireless computing networks. They make distributed systems usually composed of embedded devices, each equipped with a processing unit, a wireless communication interface and sensors or actuators. The implementation of such networks is determined by type of sensor and type of implementations, hardware requirements and programming methods used.
Recently, an attention is focused on the Web oriented distributed programming methods, related data communication and data coordination among the WSN nodes [1-2].
The transport is one of possible application the Wireless Sensor Networks, mainly, in the area of intelligent road systems and logistics where mobile and wireless communication technology allow to manage a global interconnecting, even in real-time. In these systems the SQL (Structure Query Language) stream computing platform can be used for (...)

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Źródło: Czasopismo Logistyka

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