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Assessment of observer positions for given behavior of drivers

In a series of recent papers [1, 2, 3] the concept of tracing stolen cars was introduced and developed. Generally, the aim is to intercept wanted cars, hence course prediction is a crucial issue. Unlike e.g. ballistic missiles, the route of a road vehicle is controlled continuously by decisions of its driver. In this paper, we develop several models of drivers’ behavior and analyze their impact on the predictability of future positions. Next, two sets of observation points are compared with respect to their hit rate on a sample of vehicle paths generated according to a given type of behavior.
W serii artykułów [1, 2, 3] wprowadzono i rozwinięto koncepcję systemu służącego do lokalizacji określonych samochodów. Celem ogólnym jest przechwycenie poszukiwanych pojazdów, w tym względzie istotnym punktem jest trafna prognoza ich dalszych tras.
W odróżnieniu od innych aplikacji - jak np. przy badaniu pocisków balystycznych - kurs pojazdu drogowego podlega nieustannym interwencjom jego kierowcy. W niniejszym artykule rozwija się kilka modeli zachowania kierowców. Badany jest ich wpływ na trafność prognoz przyszłych pozycji. Ponadto porównuje się dwa sposoby rozmieszczenia punktów obserwacyjnych pod względem liczby widzianych pojazdów z próbki losowanej zgodnie z zadanym typem kierowcy.
A major task in telematics is to obtain and process information about remote objects. In application to road transport, this is typically the acquisition of data about cars, in particular their position. Generally, data may be collected by stationary devices, mounted on constructions like bridges or posts close to a road or crossing, or by mobile sensors installed in a vehicle, in particular, but not necessarily, in the car which is monitored. Stationary sensors serve often to obtain numbers of cars on a given length of road or numbers of cars passing a certain point in a certain interval of time. Mobile equipment may inform about such data as for instance position coordinates and information about speed, temperature, state of the engine. In any case, the transmission of data from sensor to the site, where the (...)
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