The selected problems of computer aided

Abstract: The paper concerns the Dynamics of PRT vehicles. A brief characterization of PRT transport has been presented indicating the problems of vehicle dynamics. Also the structure of a bogie system has been outlined based on the invention patent filed in the Patent Office, which was developed by the authors of this paper. Additionally, a three-dimensional simulation model of a PRT (Personal Rapid Transit) vehicle has been presented.
The model was prepared in Adams environment which is typically used for simulation of Multibody Systems. The modeled vehicle is relatively simple while preserving the mass and inertial parameters of a
CAD model, which had been developed in Catia V system before. The model accounts for problems of contact, friction and slip, which accompany the contact of wheels with the track and the rolls leading a vehicle along a track. Substantial research has been conducted in order to analyze the sensitivity of selected dynamic features to various parameter changes.
PRT transport system is one of automated transport forms called AGT (Automated
Guideway Transit - automatic transport without a driver) [1], which combines the features of both personal and mass city transport of a ‘point-to-point’ or ‘door-to-door’ type consisting of small vehicles (e.g. four-passenger ones), remotely controlled and moving along a light infrastructure - typically an elevated track. The ‘point-to-point’ feature means that the journey is made from the initial to the final stop without any intermediate ones.
This intelligent system chooses an optional route by itself, which, depending on the volume of traffic in the network of routes, ensures that the criterium of minimum travel time is met. The Faculty of Transport at the Warsaw University of Technology is currently doing research on the study of the dynamics of vehicle movement. Different concepts of
the running system construction are being analyzed, including the one presented in this paper.
1.1. Problems of the dynamics of PRT vehicles
One of the most vital problems in PRT systems is ensuring such a steering method for
PRT vehicles at junctions that it does not necessitate the decrease of velocity and guarantees a swift change of direction. To meet these conditions it seems necessary to relocate the switch, which traditionally is attached to the track guide, into the vehicle itself. (...)

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Źródło: Czasopismo Logistyka

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