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Wykonawca: Politechnika Poznańska - Katedra Zarządzania Produkcją i Logistyki Wydziału Inżynierii Zarządzania - dr inż. Katarzyna Grzybowska
Program/Priorytet: Temat statutowy
Rodzaj: praca badawcza realiz. w ramach dział.statutowej
Czas realizacji badania: 2012
Główny cel badania:

The purpose of this study is to define a general descriptive model of logistics platform.


Lately, a term logistics platform is increasingly occurring in professional and scientific written resources. In western and northern Europe, China and Brazil several projects with mentioned phrase in the title can be observed. At first sight it is impossible to claim that except in the title all considered cases are about the same phenomena. Authors are often not precise in defining and perceiving the used concept and they are consequently putting readers into embarrassment. Observed chaotic situation and the need for efficient logistics services have encouraged more detailed observation of logistics platforms. The purpose of this study is to define a general descriptive model of logistics platform to overcome this current state. Constituent elements of logistics platforms are clearly listed and the logistics platforms are classified according to the actors who operate and manage them. Conclusions are based on case studies and a review of professional and scientific articles. Additionally the concept and origin of words logistics and platform is analysed separately as well as the origin of the compound itself. We wish to deepen the understanding of this phenomenon between practitioners and academics.
Methodology is based on the basic definitions of logistics and platform, on logistics platform case studies and on a review of professional and scientific articles.
The present conclusions give new insight into structure of logistics platform, and will encourage generation of new business models which will take into account linking companies over logistics platform.

Słowa kluczowe: Logistics platform, supply chain, business model Platforma logistyczna, łańcuch dostaw, model biznesowy
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Projekt BiLog jest realizowany w ramach Programu „Kreator innowacyjności - wsparcie innowacyjnej przedsiębiorczości akademickiej
i uzyskał dofinansowanie Narodowego Centrum Badań i Rozwoju w porozumieniu z Ministerstwem Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego.