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Information management supporting multimodal transport utilization in virtual clusters

Autor: Golińska Paulina
Źródło: Management and Production Engineering Review 2013 nr 1
Rok wydania: 2013

Companies are facing problems regarding reduction of their logistics costs. Good organization of transport processes can bring a lot of profits both economical and environmental. Companies participating in transport processes more often prefer to create temporary relations and form virtual cooperation networks than to keep traditional long-term contracts. The paper first defined problems of multimodal transport. The obstacles to development of virtual transport clusters are described. The main problems and requirements of the virtual cooperation in the area of transport processes are identified. The aim of the paper is to present the scope of information needed for the coordination of virtual transport clusters. Author describes approach to information management in virtual cluster based on agent technology.

Słowa kluczowe: transport multimodalny
Located in: Publikacja
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