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Enhancing Patient Response Time and Hospital Efficiency. Evidence from the Wielkopolska Region (Poland)

Autor: Gawrońska-Błaszczyk Anna
Źródło: Economics and Sociology 2016 Vol. 9, Nr 3, s. 89-98
Rok wydania: 2016

The research was conducted in three hospitals in the Wielkopolska Region (Poland) with the aim at verifying how implementation of the Automatic Data Capture (ADC) techniques and global GS1 standards in the field of management of medicinal products flow in hospitals can help improve patient response time, quality of healthcare services and hospital efficiency. A special method was used, based on the Business Process Modelling Notation - BPMN, supported with the iGrafx software. The results of the research show that implementation of the ADC techniques and global GS1 standards in selected areas in a hospital can possibly lead to significant qualitative and quantitative changes.

Słowa kluczowe: e-zdrowie, GS1,
Located in: Publikacja
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