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Location of the distribution centre

Autor: Jeleń Izabela, Kolińska Karolina
Źródło: Logistics Management - modern development trends cz. 2, s. 177-188
Rok wydania: 2016
Wydawnictwo: Wyższa Szkoła Logistyki
Miejsce wydania: Poznań
ISBN: 978-83-62285-25-9

This paper concerns the problem of localisation of distribution centre and regional depots, under the dynamic development of clients requirements, in particular delivery time. The proposed methodology of distribution network design is taking into account the joint movement of goods in the network, associated with both classical and modern way of sale. The research carried out in the paper is based on simulation model that reflects the operation of this type of distribution system. Based on the generic model different way of distribution processes were simulated and as a result the cost of distribution processes have been calculated. Constructing different variants of distribution processes the following changes have been taken into account: picking processes, the place of their implementation in the structure of the distribution network (central warehouse, regional warehouses or hybrid solution), the method of delivery (by regular routes or courier services). As a result several distribution network parameters have been defined, including the number and warehouses at different levels of the distribution network, the stock of goods dispersed through the network, the time of delivery to the customer, the scope of delivery, etc. Based on this information the final decisions about the shape of the distribution network and distribution processes was made.

Słowa kluczowe: sieci logistyczne, dystrybucja, łańcuchy dostaw
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