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FLAVIA - Freight and Logistics Advancement in Central/South East Europe - Validation of trade and transport processes, Implementation of improvement actions, Application of co-coordinated structures
Wykonawca projektu:

Koordynator: Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau Research Group Transport Logistics (Germany).
Partnerzy: Pro Rail Alliance (Germany), GVZ Development Corporation Southwest Saxony (Germany), Ministry of Economy of the Federal State Brandenburg (Germany), University of Pardubice (Czech Republic), Interport Servis Ltd (Slovak Republic), Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, Research & Development Ltd. - LOGISTIKUM (Austria), Institute of Logistics and Warehousing (ILIM) (Poland), University "POLITEHNICA" of Bucharest (Romania), Technical University of Košice (Slovak Republic), Regional Advisory and Information Centre Presov (RAIC Presov) (Slovak Republic), Hungarian Logistics Association (Hungary), EXPRESS-INTERFRACHT Czech s.r.o (Czech Republic), Hungarokombi (Hungary).

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Projekt BiLog jest realizowany w ramach Programu „Kreator innowacyjności - wsparcie innowacyjnej przedsiębiorczości akademickiej
i uzyskał dofinansowanie Narodowego Centrum Badań i Rozwoju w porozumieniu z Ministerstwem Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego.