The world’s webometrics ranking of maritime universities

In the paper the author proposes to create the official global Webometrics ranking of maritime universities.
The original aim of such ranking is to promote leading universities associated in IAMU (International Assiciation of Maritime Universities), international cooperation for maritime education and training, maritime job and web publication. The ranking shouldn’t be only focused on research results but also in other indicators which may reflect better the global quality of the maritime scholar and research institutions worldwide.
W referacie autor proponuje by stworzyć oficjalny ogólnoświatowy ranking uczelni morskich na podstawie badań webometrycznych. Celem takiego rankingu byłoby promowanie wiodących uczelni morskich stowarzyszonych w IAMU (International
Assiciation of Maritime Universities), międzynarodowej współpracy w zakresie edukacji i szkolenia morskiego, pracy na morzu oraz publikacji internetowych.
Ranking taki nie powinien być oparty tylko na rezultatach prac badawczych lecz także na innych wskaźnikach, które mogą lepiej odzwierciedlać jakość uczelni morskich na świecie.
The university rankings are lists of universities or equivalent institutions in higher education, an order determined by any combination of factors. Rankings can be based on subjectively perceived "quality," on some combination of empirical statistics, or on surveys of educators, scholars, students (cadets, trainees), prospective students or others. Rankings are often consulted by prospective students and their parents in the university, academy and college admissions process. In addition to rankings of institutions, there are also rankings of specific academic programs, faculties, departments, colleges and schools. Rankings are conducted by magazines and newspapers (e.g. Newsweek, Forbes, The Economist, Times, Scientometrics) and in some instances by academic practitioners and international associations, among others: the Academic Ranking of World Universities compiled by the
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Global University Ranking compiled by the RatER, a
Russian-based non-commercial independent rating agency supported by the academic society of Russia, bibliometric based ranking HEEACT (Performance Ranking of Scientific (...)

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Źródło: Czasopismo Logistyka

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