The utilisaton of advanced vehicle dynamical model in optimising the shape of railway transition curves

Abstract: This paper describes the concept and method by present authors of searching for proper shape of transition curves. In the concept and the method the advanced dynamical model of vehicle-track system, capable of simulation, and mathematically understood optimisation methods are exploited. Principles and the most important details of the method are obviously represented in the paper. They are supplemented with description of the software built to solve the issue of transition curves formation (optimisation) effectively. At the end results generated by this software are presented quite comprehensively.
The problem discussed in present article is the search for proper shape of railway transition curves. It is going to be done with regard to advanced vehicle model, dynamical track-vehicle and vehicle-passenger interactions, and optimisation methods. The search for proper shape means to the authors evaluation of the curve features based on chosen dynamical quantities as well as the generation of such shape with use of mathematically understood optimisation methods. The studies performed so far and those to be done in the future have got a character of the numerical tests. The key element for these tests is use of numerical simulation and the corresponding simulation software built by the authors. This software enable to simulate dynamics of the vehicle-track system exploiting complete dynamical model of the railway vehicle. Results of the simulations can be utilised in two general ways. First is the direct use to get the complete knowledge about the dynamical interactions and behaviour of the vehicle in transition curves. Second is the use of simulation results to determine the objective function in the process of optimising the
shape of transition curve (TC). This second way of the results utilisation is discussed in the paper first of all.
1.1. Short literature survey
Review of the literature given below cannot be complete in terms of the cited and discussed publications since it would need a separate paper. Such a paper by present authors is [1]. Below we discuss the literature jointly, trying to focus on the features being the most common but not necessarily those most modern ones. Next, the criteria of TCs evaluation are classified, which are used most often.
In opinion of present authors the most general classification of the works on TCs might be their division into two groups. (...)

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Źródło: Czasopismo Logistyka

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