Damping mass systems in the building structures

Technological progress and needs of civil engineering development in the area of dynamic excitations: seismic, para-seismic loads, cause searching methods and means of protection building objects against vibrations. Considerable attention has been paid to researches of effectiveness of structural damping devices.
Selected issues of application of dynamic vibration dampers in the building structures are discussed in the paper
Postęp technologiczny i potrzeby związane z rozwojem budownictwa, wymuszenia dynamiczne: sejsmiczne, para-sejsmiczne powodują, iż konieczne jest poszukiwanie nowych metod i środków ochrony obiektów budowlanych przed drganiami. Szczególna uwaga powinna być zwrócona na badania skuteczności stosowanych urządzeń tłumiących. W artykule omówiono wybrane zagadnienia zastosowania dynamicznych tłumików drgań w obiektach budowlanych.
Dynamical protection of structure has wide application in civil engineering [1,2,3].
In order to reduce level of vibrations the following methods are applied [1,4]: removal of vibration source, balancing, aligning of device resting on the foundation, modification of technological process, sliding of devices producing vibrations in a distance from object sensitive to vibrations, increasing base stiffness, active, semi-active, passive, hybrid vibration isolation, application of passive, active, semi-active, hybrid dynamic dampers, use of passive, active, semi-active, hybrid bracing.
Besides, in practice vertical or sloping trenches filled with isolation materials are applied to protect structures against seismic or para-seismic excitation. (...)

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Źródło: Czasopismo Logistyka

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