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Logical functions as exemplified by pneumatic circuits

The article presents possibilities of using Pneumatics TP101 laboratory workstation and FluidSim P programme for research and testing pneumatic circuits during laboratory classes carried out in the Mechatronics Laboratory of the Faculty of Transport and
Electrical Engineering at the Technical University of Radom.
Examples of laboratory experiments of systems performing logic functions are given.
Artykuł jest prezentacją możliwości stanowiska laboratoryjnego Pneumatyka TP oraz oprogramowania FluidSim P firmy FESTO DIDACTIC do badania i testowania elementów i układów pneumatyki. Stanowiska zostały uruchomione w Laboratorium Mechatroniki, Wydziału Transportu i Elektrotechniki Politechniki Radomskiej i są wykorzystywane do zajęć laboratoryjnych.
Podano przykłady realizacji ćwiczeń laboratoryjnych z wykorzystaniem elementów logicznych.
Pneumatic systems play a very important role in modern machines. A large number of presently manufactured machines incorporate more or less complicated pneumatic control or actuation systems. What is more, in many of them these systems are their most crucial element. One can distinguish two principal sources of external energy used in modern control and automatic systems: electrical energy and the energy of the medium (air, oil) being under a specific pressure. The use of the energy of the medium enables application of pneumatic and hydraulic control systems, in particular measurement and logical systems. (...)

Artykuł zawiera 11512 znaków.

Źródło: Czasopismo Logistyka

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