Vibroisolation of railway crossing with control pulling force as function of loading

This paper presents the concept of controlling the pulling force as a function of loading of railway crossing that was modelled as a discrete-continuous system. Two elements of model are described as continuous systems: elastomer support and pull-strings. In order to obtain the information about vibroisolation system with variable pull-force controlled in relation to railway crossing loading, a mathematical model was introduced in a form of vibroisolation system.
W pracy przedstawiono podejście do sterowania siłą naciągu w funkcji obciążenia przejazdu kolejowo-samochodowego, który zamodelowano jako układ dyskretno-ciągły. Układy ciągłe stanowią dwa elementy tzn. podpora wykonana z elastomeru oraz cięgna, których napięcie jest regulowane w zależności od obciążenia przejazdu.
The problem of dynamic influence, whose direct cause is the mechanical objects is vibrations, has been known since the 19th century, i.e. the beginning of fast industrialization. Since that moment there exists the issue of minimizing this unfavourable influence. This issue has been called vibroisolation. They have been the subject of numerous scientific works [1]. They concern both the level of the sound emitted and the dynamic influence of devices of various types.
Work [2] discusses the issue of active vibroisolation (which consists in minimizing the forces transported to the environment by machines and devices of various types) and passive vibroisolation (which consists in isolating employees or vibration-sensitive elements of measurement devices. (...)

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Źródło: Czasopismo Logistyka

Więcej w tej kategorii: « Stadion Narodowy w Warszawie wyzwaniem dla komunikacji w mieście Poszukiwanie alternatywnych struktur sieci transportowych za pomocą algorytmu genetycznego »
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