The specifity of road safety: a few reflection’s

Road traffic can be interpreted as a phenomenon of great complexity which is not subject to the simple laws, and often you can observe the paradoxes negative of intuition or common health. In this paper contains several special problems showing multi-aspects of road safety issues.
The proper functioning of transport systems depends to a large degree on efficient management. It should cause the transport was highly functional, pro-ecologic, economically optimal and, above all, safe.
When writing about managing the safety of road traffic, you need to take into account all the elements of the transport system, with which there is a road traffic; these include primarily: 1. road transport infrastructure; 2. means of transport; 3. human factors (various roles in the system of transport); 4. system environment; 5. three main working processes of the system, i.e. road traffic, cargo operations, traffic control processes.
Road traffic is very difficult object of study. It is a process: 1. spatially and temporarily unstationary, 2. has a nature of self-organization process, 3. carry out in it difficult decision- tasks situations and there are often small safety margins.
On the other hand, there are certain regularity, which may facilitate the analysis and traffic management: 1. demand for traffic has often repetitive character, hence observed cyclicality; 2. traffic on the road network has in the long term trend to stabilize the structure of the motion, as a result, participants in traffic set their preferences of road choice for traffic needs.
Technical University of Radom, Faculty of Transport and Electrical Engineering, POLAND; Radom 26-600; (...)

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