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Cloud computing - new web approach building transport services

The paper presents a new approach to build in the Web environment programmed services for businesses and transportation. It is referred to so called Cloud Computing technology based on the using, mainly, the system software and system infrastructure by mean of the Web outsourcing service providers. Considered in the paper the problems are focused on the principles of Cloud Computing and examples of transport applications. These later are related to the logistics software autonomous agents implemented to control the chain of logistic operations by the use of Web.
Artykuł prezentuje nowe podejście budowy programowalnych usług w środowisku Web.
Dotyczy technologii zwanej Cloud Computing, która oparta jest na wykorzystaniu softwaru i systemowej infrastruktury z zewnętrznych zasobów od dostarczycieli usług Web.
Rozważane w artykule problemy koncentrują sie na zasadach Cloud Computing i przykładach ich implementacji w transporcie. Przykłady te dotyczą logistycznych autonomicznych agentów softwarowych wykorzystywanych do kontroli łańcuchów operacji logistycznych poprzez Web.
Progress in the Web technologies have been giving substantial impact on computing systems addressed to business services purposes, also, for the transport services. One of last such technologies is technology called the cloud computing, it determines a new, more advanced approach handling the Web services arising from earlier Web technologies, first of all, the grid computing. Grid computing using the defined standards has been adopted mainly in the public systems to compute in integrated on large scale systems the data by defined Web users. Cloud computing was made rather for the private systems where virtualization technology and large data centers have been turned into Web computing of which services can be resold. In such environment the cloud computing users can reduce own systems as computing services can be obtained from the Web on demand.
Cloud computing can be defined as the Internet-based computing where on demand the shared resources, software, and other information are provided to computers of the users, (...)

Artykuł zawiera 21223 znaków.

Źródło: Czasopismo Logistyka

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