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The simulation of vibrations of railway beam bridges in the object-oriented environment delphi

  •  Dniepropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan (DIIT)
  • Kategoria: Pozostałe zagadnienia
Abstract: The peculiarities of combination of finite-element method and equations of solid dynamics, the basic stages of development of the program complex Belinda for calculation of statics and dynamics of the rods constructions as applied to railway bridges are described.
The introduction of computer technologies in the sphere of scientific, engineering and productive human activities became the in essence solution of a number of problems related to the automation of calculating processes. There is a great quantity of various programs, from comparatively small ones to difficult and expensive program complexes, meeting practically any needs of user. It is possible to assert the possibilities of modern software correspond in full measure to powers of computer techniques, opening progressively new prospects for the design, calculation and analysis of various physical processes and phenomena.
In the field of calculation of building constructions the specialized software - computeraided design systems - is used [1, 2] divided into three basic types: CAD (computer-aided design), CAM (computer-aided manufacturing) and CAE (computer-aided engineering).
In practice there is often a necessity for combination of the indicated technologies. E.g., an engineer-designer, engaged in the design of bridge constructions, frequently needs in the presence of not only a system of automated development of drafts (CAD) but also a system, by means of which for the elements of this construction the stressed-and-strained state can be determined and the verification on the limiting states is realizable (CAE).
Thus, during the last period it becomes reasonable the appearance of the so-called hybrid
computer-aided design systems, having available not only the developed visualization facilities but the high calculation potential as well (Ansys, Nastran, Adams, UM).
Nevertheless, many everyday engineer’s tasks have narrowed enough specialization and do not require bringing in of universal calculation complexes for solving them. In such cases it is possible either to resort to the mathematical simulation or to take advantage of small profile software packages. The functionally profile CAD’s are considerably simpler than universal calculation complexes and more flexibly take into account design features an end user needs. (...)

Artykuł zawiera 28663 znaków.

Źródło: Czasopismo Logistyka

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