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Automation and remote control systems safety estimation by elements reliability on railway transport

It is discussed validity of the dangerous and safety failures concept by automation and remote control systems safety estimation. There is estimated error in automation and remote control systems calculation on safety levels that is based on the unsafe failures. It is proposed new decision to develop automation and remote control systems safety models that is based on the “unsafe” elements conception. It is developed three automation and remote control systems Markov models for systems different configurations.
It is developed and explored computer models, obtained automation and remote control systems safety indicators numerical values: - automation and remote control systems unsafe conditions probability, - safety coefficient, - probability of systems safe work.
Safety can be external and internal in systems like automation and remote control systems.
External safety is related to systems protection as an object and can be disrupted due to external influences.
Internal security is systems property to safe good, usable and protective condition.
Considering systems safety estimations problem, it means systems internal security.
In the exploitation process system can be serviceable and defective. (...)

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Źródło: Czasopismo Logistyka

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