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Innovative potential of postal operators in logistics

The paper deals with evaluation of readiness of selected Slovak postal operators for implementation of innovations in the field of logistics. Their readiness is represented by innovation potential, which rates four areas - strategy and planning, quality of services and environment, technological processes and marketing. Based on total value it differs between four groups - from postal operators with high innovative potential to operators with very low innovative potential.
Príspevok sa zaoberá hodnotením pripravenosti vybraných slovenských poštových operátorov na implementáciu inovácií v oblasti logistiky. Vyjadruje ju prostredníctvom inovačného potenciálu, pričom hodnotí štyri oblasti - stratégiu a plánovanie; kvalitu služieb a životné prostredie; technologické procesy a marketing.
Na základe výslednej hodnoty rozlišuje štyri skupiny - od poštových operátorov s vysokým inovačným potenciálom až po operátorov s veľmi nízkym inovačným potenciálom.
Most of postal operators have had monopoly position in the market for a long time.
Their main task was to allow access to information exchange for public. As postal services are important for development of society and economy, the monopoly status has not change. Postal operators have not focused on customers’ requirements and majority of innovations have been implemented only as a result of new technologies, not customers’ needs.
Nowadays, the situation is different and postal operators have to succeed in competition with other operators and logistics companies. Their competitiveness depends prof. Ing. Mária Rostášová, PhD.; University of Žilina, Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and
Communications, SLOVAKIA; 010 26 Žilina, Univerzitná 8215/1. (...)

Artykuł zawiera 12300 znaków.

Źródło: Czasopismo Logistyka

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