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Transport node in the international good movement system

Abstract: The present article is concerned with the St.-Petersburg transport node, its role and significance in the international goods movement system, assessment of the transportation system of St.-Petersburg and Leningrad region, participation of various kinds of transport in the international and Russian cargo traffic. Both problems of functioning of St.-Petersburg transport node and possible ways of their decision are described.
The international trade of goods and services is one of the basic elements of global economic. Throughout several millenia since origin of civilizations export of the goods in foreign countries in exchange for the overseas goods was the integral part of the world economy.
Today the prompt growths of manufacture, development of transport and communication have led to the expansion of sphere of foreign trade and the increase of its volume. At the same time there was a process of formation of the goods movement system in which frameworks the delivery of the goods from manufacturers to consumers is carried out.
The goods movement system is defined by the Russian scientists as a complex of means, communications and all types of transport, warehouses, material base of broker and agency firms, the transport-forwarding companies rendering their services in the organisation of transportation and maintenance of shipment and cargo reception, material base of the leasing companies, means of information-administrative systems. Along with it the goods movement system covers the set of the technological, organizational, legal, social and other relations arising during transport, information and other maintenance of economic communications [2, 3]. The goods movement system, overstepping the bounds of one state, can be defined as the international one.
St.-Petersburg transport node located in the North-West of Russia and integrated with
Leningrad region by the unified transportation system is an important link in the international and Russian goods movement system. (...)

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Źródło: Czasopismo Logistyka

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