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Road transportation problems in developing countries

Better transportation system is a basic need, not only of developed countries but also for developing countries. The context of the paper is based on traffic congestion, motorization problems, specification, and growth in transportation demand. Like these problems are described in detail to focus genuine and basic reason. This work is focusing on reasons of transportation problems and their examples and concerned factors. In addition to travel time, safety, energy and environment; public health is also an important issue that should be considered as a side effect of a transportation system.
Transport kołowy jest istotnym w komunikacji zarówno w krajach zaliczanych do rozwiniętych jak i rozwijających się. Przedmiotem wypowiedzi jest analiza wybranych problemów w transporcie kołowym w krajach rozwijających się na wybranym przykładzie. Uwagę zwrócono między innymi na zagadnienia intensywności potoków ruchu i ich źródła w aspekcie wzrostu gospodarczego tych krajów i szybkich przemian społecznych.
Better transportation system is a basic need, not only of developed countries but also for developing countries. The quality of transportation system is dependent on technical expertise, employer performance, passenger awareness and solution for problems and risks of any events. The transportation land problem will be discussed on Pakistan example.
Pakistan is a developing and the sixth most populated country in the world. It has all mode of transportation systems (road, railway, naval etc) each of it have its own importance.
Transport is an important sector of Pakistan’s economy as it contributes about 10 % to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and over 17 percent to the Gross Capital Formation. It is estimated that about 2.3 million people (6 % of the total employed labor force of (...)

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Źródło: Czasopismo Logistyka

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