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Simmulation study of railway-vehicle motion: the effect of track condition on ride comfort

Abstract: The paper presents the analysis of ride comfort of a railway vehicle based on the results of numerical simulations for a model of a passenger car moving along a tangent track with random geometric irregularities. The lateral and vertical rms accelerations in 1/3 octave frequency bands as well as the weighted rms accelerations are calculated at several positions within the car body for two track sections with different track condition and for various vehicle velocities. The obtained accelerations are compared with the comfort and decreased fatigue boundaries according to the ISO 2631-1 and PN-91/S-04100 standards.
Ride comfort in railway vehicles is determined by various adverse conditions to which passengers are exposed [12] during travel. These conditions include, among many others, noise, air humidity, lighting conditions and passenger seat quality as well as their duration which is also an essential element. The present work deals only with the analysis of vehicle vibrations which are usually considered to be the main factor determining ride comfort.
This analysis is based on numerical simulations of vehicle motion and it is focused on vehicle body accelerations, both lateral and vertical, calculated at various positions inside the passenger car for track sections with different track condition. The simulation results for the rms values of these accelerations in 1/3 octave frequency bands are compared with the comfort and decreased fatigue boundaries according to the ISO 2631-1 standard [4] and the Polish PN-91/S-04100 standard [11]. The weighted values of these rms accelerations are also compared with the corresponding limits, included in the above standards. This work is continuation of the author’s previous works on the ride comfort [6,8,9].
1.1. Ride comfort - spectral analysis
The ride comfort due to vibrations depends on the magnitude acceleration experienced by a travelling passenger, its direction and frequency content. In this work, lateral and vertical components a yb (t ) , a zb (t ) of the vehicle body acceleration obtained in
simulations are used to evaluate the vibration-related comfort, following the ISO 2631-1
[4] and standard PN-91/S-04100 [11] standards. The ride comfort evaluation is done by calculating - from the simulation results - the rms acceleration values a yb; rms ( f k ) , a zb; rms ( f k ) for the centre frequencies f k of the 1/3 octave bands ( f k − ∆f k / 2, f k + ∆f k / 2) of width ∆f k = 0.231 f k which are given in the aforementioned standards. (...)

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Źródło: Czasopismo Logistyka

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