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The role of hypothesis in scientific research

The paper deals with importance of hypothesis in the process of scientific research. The authors explain meaning of commonly used basic terms and characterize research methodology, research process and its structure as well as types of research problems. The main attention is paid to the role of hypotheses, their classification and possible formulations.
Główną uwagę zwracają na rolę hipotez, ich klasyfikację i możliwość formułowania.
There are different definitions of what people from academic and research institutions understand by research. For example, the Webster‘s II New Riverside University dictionary
[1] lays down the meaning of research as “scientific or scholarly investigation” or “close careful study”. The New Penguin English Dictionary [2] defines research as „careful and diligent search“ and/or „scientific or scholarly inquiry, especially study or experiment aimed at the discovery, interpretation, reinterpretation, or application of (new) facts, theories, or laws“.
More detailed surveys of available definitions can be found e.g. in [3] or [4] where the most frequented terms and definitions cover explanations such as „a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic“ (i.e. (...)

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Źródło: Czasopismo Logistyka

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