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The design of fenders as element of navigational safety managing

Abstract: Basic aim of marine navigation is to handle the ship to port of destination by safely and efficiently manner. The maneuver of berthing to port structure is a final stage of navigational process. An ideal maneuver would be consisted in total loss of ship’s speed in moment in contact to the berth. However, a dynamic ship’s interaction takes place the impact of ship to the berth. It can cause the damage the ship hull or port structure. But using the fenders may improve the berthing by absorbing the kinetic impact energy of ship. The paper presents the method of fenders designing in aspect of managing of safety process of navigation.
The basic goal of inland navigation is to handle the ship to point of destination by safety and efficiently manner.Ship handling is first and foremost supposed to be safe so that will not bring about a navigational accident, which an unwanted event is resulting in losses.
The losses may be different kinds like a loss of human health or life, damage or loss of cargo and ship, the pollution on environment, damage to a port structure or financial losses due to the port or its part being blocked. The safety level is most often determined by risk measure. There are many ways of risk to be defined. Generally risk is identified with possible effect (losses) of an unwanted event (accident). A more exact definition says that it is the probability of losses due to accident, which may arise in a particular part of the mantechnique-environment system. In practice it means the necessity of mailing conception of risk reduction measures and calculation the risk reduction achieved and the associated value of losses. The risk concept used to be defined in different of way. Mainly the risk referred to as navigational risk may be expressed as: (...)

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Źródło: Czasopismo Logistyka

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