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Selected aspects of information security

Providing information security is not an easy task. A difficulty in providing computer security is the fact that it must be a continuous process and not a one-time activity. It is tremendously important that the basic rules should be followed and good practices should be used. In order to assess the knowledge of these rules and their observance, a survey was conducted by the authors among students of three various faculties of different universities. This paper presents the results of the survey conducted and discusses its results.
Zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa informacyjnego nie jest zadaniem łatwym.
Trudnością w zapewnieniu bezpieczeństwa komputerowego jest fakt, że musi to być proces ciągły a nie jednorazowa czynność. Niezmiernie ważne jest przestrzeganie podstawowych zasad i stosowanie dobrych praktyk. W celu oceny znajomości tych zasad i ich przestrzegania, zostało przeprowadzone przez autorów badanie ankietowe wśród studentów trzech różnych kierunków studiów z różnych uczelni.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki przeprowadzonej ankiety i omówiono jej wyniki.
Providing information security is not an easy task. The published results of research conducted among management staff of companies and enterprises demonstrate that managers are aware of the importance of teleinformation security but it is not reflected in reality - the occurring incidents contradict it. Naturally, the most secure are those computers and their resources that are isolated from computer networks and with no possibility to copy data to external storages. Yet, the necessity of effective work and cosharing of resources imposes connecting personal computers to computer networks. An additional difficulty in providing computer security is the fact that it must be a continuous process and not a one-time activity. It is tremendously important that the basic rules should be followed and good practices should be used. In order to assess the knowledge of these rules and their observance, a survey was conducted by the authors among students of three various faculties of different universities: Informatics of Wrocław University of
Wrocław University of Technology, Institute of Informatics, POLAND; Wrocław 50-370; Wyb. Wyspiańskiego (...)

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Źródło: Czasopismo Logistyka

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