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Simulation of ship management in preparation of professionals for inland navigation

Increased movement of cargo and passenger ships requires increased demands on the leaders of vessels, their qualifications and professional skills. Qualified leader of river vessels must develop their theoretical knowledge and practical experience of several years to handle the various sections of the shipping route. As an effective alternative appears to use the simulator motion of the vessel for the purpose of training and career development of practical skills leaders vessels, which would simulate navigation in all conditions and all seasons.
Current modern trend of globalisation determines conditions of development almost in all fields of human society. One of the most important fields is of course transportation.
Constituent countries unite into bigger economical and political unions what is a consequence of higher necessity of (goods, persons) transport and also a need of optimal transport utilisation.
At the various international meetings relating to the further development of cooperation among the member countries of the Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) in the context of the AGN Agreement, attention is always given to the important role of inland navigation and river-sea navigation in developing the Pan-European transport market. (...)

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Źródło: Czasopismo Logistyka

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