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Inland ports in the role of logistics hubs

Logistics hubs are considered for an important element in the logistics chain. They reduce downtimes during transport of cargo between suppliers and consumers. They offer a wide range of logistics services such as handling, storage or distribution of cargo. Logistics hubs which arise randomly or according to a set mode have various forms. Inland ports can also be considered for logistics hubs. Inland ports together with vessels and waterways create the pillars of the inland navigation system. They participate in transport of cargo between consignors and consignees.
Logistické centrá sú považované za dôležitú zložku v logistickom reťazci. Znižujú prestoje počas prepravy nákladu medzi dodávateľmi a spotrebiteľmi. Ponúkajú širokú škálu logistických služieb ako manipulovanie, skladovanie alebo distribúcia nákladu. Logistické centrá, ktoré vznikajú náhodne alebo podľa stanoveného modelu majú rôznu formu.
Vnútrozemské prístavy sa tiež môžu považovať za logistické centrá. Spolu s plavidlami a vodnými cestami vytvárajú piliere vnútrozemskej plavebnej siete. Podieľajú sa na preprave nákladu medzi odosielateľmi a spotrebiteľmi.
Inland ports are the places on the waterway (a navigable river, a canal or a lake) where inland water transport meets with other mode of transport (rail and water transport). They consist of land and water area. Each inland port has got at least one berth in which cargo is transferred by cranes, is stored on the open areas or in the warehouses and is transported by other means transport (wagons, trucks). Due to significant changes in the world since the second half of the twentieth century inland ports have transformed into multimodal logistics hubs. They offer various logistics services such as transfer, storage or transport of cargo, passenger or vessel services.
Logistics hubs are the places in the logistics chain where two and more mode of transport (mainly road and railway transport) meet there. They consist of the complex of the
Andrej Dávid, University of Žilina, Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications, Department of Water Transport, SLOVAK REPUBLIC, Žilina 010 26, Univerzitná 8215/1. (...)

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Źródło: Czasopismo Logistyka

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