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The conditions of live animal transport in the slovak republic

There are more than 17,5 million items of live animals transported across the European Union per year. In spite of that conservationists were not able to enforce restriction of maximal transport time. From this reason the Commission of European Union strive to improve the conditions of live animal transportation. European Union makes the rules of live animal transportation stricter. The aim of new, stricter regulations is to reduce the stress of animals and to prevent animals from ill-treatment during the transportation process.
Po celej EÚ je totiž ročne prepravených viac ako 17,5 milióna kusov živých zvierat. Napriek tomu sa až však doteraz ochrancom zvierat nepodarilo presadiť obmedzenie maximálnej doby prepravy. Z tohto dôvodu sa o zlepšenie podmienok prepravy zvierat pokúša európska komisia.
Európska únia sprísňuje pravidlá pre prepravu živých zvierat. Cieľom nových sprísnených predpisov je zredukovať stres zvierat a zabrániť krutému správaniu voči nim počas prepravy.
According to new rules, new means of transport (lorries) appointed to transportation of live animals for more that 8 hours must have relevant equipment including: navigation (GPS) because of observance of maximal transport time, system which will able to feed animals with water, electronically controlled ventilation and warning system which will warn the driver of possible problems. Such means of transport must be moreover beforehand officially authorized. Since 2009 also older means of transport must have installed the navigation system. (...)

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Źródło: Czasopismo Logistyka

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