Cranes control in automated material handling systems - a survey
- Jarosław Smoczek, Janusz Szpytko
- Kategoria: Transport i spedycja
Abstract: The paper presents a survey of proposed in the scientific works, as well as applications implemented in industrial practice, solutions of anti-sway crane control systems. The example of an adaptive crane control system, based on indirect adaptive pole placement (IAPP) method and neuro-fuzzy crane dynamic model, was also presented, as well as results of experiments carried out on the laboratory object, the overhead traveling crane.
The material handling systems are the key part of a manufacturing cycle in which they support technological and storage operations by handle materials within the manufacturing departments and production halls. The Large-Dimensional Rail-Mounted Handling
Devices (WSUT) [30, 31] is the class of the material handling devices to which belong the cranes (overhead traveling cranes, gantry, portal, railway and other types of cranes) that are used in many industrial branches, especially in heavy industry, metallurgical, shipbuilding, aircraft, machine-building and armaments industries, etc.
In automated industrial processes the higher and higher requirements are put on time and accuracy of transportation tasks realized by material handling devices. Those requirements can be met by applying automated solutions of material handling systems and control quality improvement. In many manufacturing processes where the transportation operations are realized by cranes the safety and precise transfer of materials is expected with minimizing the load oscillations and the operation time. In the non-automatic systems
the resulting performance depends on the human operator experience and capability which can be unreliable.
The problem of positioning a payload shifted by a crane, even though is interesting problem considered frequently in automatics, is not only one to solve when the automation of crane’s operations is required in a manufacturing system. Beside transportation cycle time decreasing and precision of a payload positioning the problem of suitable device exploitation quality ensuring is important as well. From safety and reliability point of view it is important as well to reduce overloads that arise during transient states of crane’s power transmission systems working which are caused by non-uniform loading. This disadvantageous phenomenon, which leads to the crane’s bridge beveling, affects unfavorable on exploitation of a wheel-rail system of the overhead traveling cranes. (...)
The material handling systems are the key part of a manufacturing cycle in which they support technological and storage operations by handle materials within the manufacturing departments and production halls. The Large-Dimensional Rail-Mounted Handling
Devices (WSUT) [30, 31] is the class of the material handling devices to which belong the cranes (overhead traveling cranes, gantry, portal, railway and other types of cranes) that are used in many industrial branches, especially in heavy industry, metallurgical, shipbuilding, aircraft, machine-building and armaments industries, etc.
In automated industrial processes the higher and higher requirements are put on time and accuracy of transportation tasks realized by material handling devices. Those requirements can be met by applying automated solutions of material handling systems and control quality improvement. In many manufacturing processes where the transportation operations are realized by cranes the safety and precise transfer of materials is expected with minimizing the load oscillations and the operation time. In the non-automatic systems
the resulting performance depends on the human operator experience and capability which can be unreliable.
The problem of positioning a payload shifted by a crane, even though is interesting problem considered frequently in automatics, is not only one to solve when the automation of crane’s operations is required in a manufacturing system. Beside transportation cycle time decreasing and precision of a payload positioning the problem of suitable device exploitation quality ensuring is important as well. From safety and reliability point of view it is important as well to reduce overloads that arise during transient states of crane’s power transmission systems working which are caused by non-uniform loading. This disadvantageous phenomenon, which leads to the crane’s bridge beveling, affects unfavorable on exploitation of a wheel-rail system of the overhead traveling cranes. (...)
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Źródło: Czasopismo Logistyka
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