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Intermodal transport unit, large size ITU, container, swap body, semi-trailer

Nowadays new unconventional intermodal transport units which are characterized by dimensions larger than standardized ones or new ways of manipulation are being developed. This should bring higher utility value of such units. On the other hand this leads to many problems which should be solved, including problems with their transportation on roads and railways, respectively water.
The paper presents basic information related to the project TelliBox and Innofreight containers - requirements, development, design, benefits as well as critical points NOVÉ NEKONVENČNÉ UNIVERZÁLNE VEĽKOROZMERNÉ JEDNOTKY INTERMODÁLNEJ
V súčasnosti sa vyvíjajú nové nekonvenčné prepravné jednotky intermodálnej dopravy, ktoré sa vyznačujú väčšími rozmermi ako majú klasické, ako aj vyvíjajú nové spôsoby manipulácie. Toto by malo priniesť ich vyššiu úžitkovú hodnotu.
Na druhej strane to však prináša mnohé problémy, ktoré je potrebné riešiť, ako sú problémy s ich dopravou po ceste, železnici a vode. Príspevok prináša základné informácie o projekte TelliBox a kontajneroch Innofreight - požiadavky, vývoj, konštrukciu, výhody ako aj kritické miesta.
Logistic system for goods transportation is in the centre of interest of broad spectrum of stakeholders. They all want the transport goods quickly, safe and with minimum costs, certainly with respect to the environmental impact of the transport. The system consists basically from “software“, i.e. organisation and control of good transportation, and “hardware“, i.e. all technical means necessary to transport the goods.
An important means of a logistic system is the intermodal transport that has potential to increase, quality of freight transport in one and the same loading unit from a sender to recipient in one continuous chain, while in large extent it transfers transport from road to railway or water thus contributing to reduction of negative effects of transport on the environment. With regards to different density of railway, water and road transport, in most of cases the latter one remains the starting and terminal in a logistic chain.
A fundamental element of the intermodal transport is the Intermodal Loading Unit - ILU (in French:
Unité de Transport Intermodal - UTI), mostly container and swap body, in some cases also road semi-trailer.
For transportation of the UTIs means of transport (railway wagon, road vehicle, ships) and handling equipment for loading operations are necessary. (...)

Artykuł zawiera 21723 znaków.

Źródło: Czasopismo Logistyka

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